We can better tailor Updates if we know which POD you access.
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We filter through Eloqua Release details then deliver what you need today.
Subscribe now.
Oracle Eloqua Releases take place once per quarter, typically in the second month of the quarter i.e. February, May, August & November.

As details become available, our Customer Success team reads through the documentation and consolidates the most important information into this subscription.
Do you know your Eloqua POD number?
By providing your POD number, we can better tailor important update information. When you're logged into Eloqua, your POD # is visible in the URL:

How often will you hear from us?
You'll only hear from us about once a quarter. The only other reason we'd contact you is when something else becomes available and we believe your organisation could benefit from being aware of new features, services or products that relate to Eloqua.

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